Wednesday 26 June 2013

Spikes & Studs

O.M.G! I feel so bad for the lack of posting on my blog lately. Today I finally got around to it!

As you all know I love spikes and studs, anything that is edgy and rebellious really. So I always try to put a little spike or stud here and there in my outfit, just to 'edge' it up a little bit, ya know! :P

So today's outfit will be about one of my obsessions, or two: Spikes & Studs!

Notice the cute little purse in the last photo ? It's actually the present that I posted in the last post but I exchanged it for this one since I thought it would be more practical and I would use it more often. I actually really love it! I love love love it so much that I think I will do a post just about it in the future. So look forward to it! :)

P/s: Thanks S! <3

xoxo - Archie

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Saturday 15 June 2013

A great birthday..

So for those of you who don't know, yesterday was my birthday and I had to say it was more fun than I thought it would be. Having an exam next week, I did imagine me sitting at the table and cramming stuff that I'm not even interested in. But it turned out so amazing! I went out for dinner and watched a movie and the most important part, I did absolutely no study at all!!!
Now it's time for the outfit that I wore last night, featuring my cut-out boots..

And some major presents that I got yesterday....

xoxo - Archie

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Thursday 13 June 2013

New shit!

How gorgeous are these ankle boots!! I've been eyeing on these cut-out boots for a while but didn't get my hands on them until now (thanks to a big sale on one of my favorite online stores). It's safe to say that these beasts have the highest platform that I've ever worn so far and I'm pretty sure there will be higher ones coming in the future.The higher the better!  Since I'm pretty short (Yes I'm not afraid to say it out loud!), I'm soooo excited to try these out!!  It's pretty annoying because I haven't really had a chance to wear them but I will definitely post a look featuring these as soon as I do. So remember to keep an eye out for it! :)

As for the bag, I love love love it!! Spikes and studs have always been my obsession when it comes to fashion. They always give me a sense of edge and power. I'm planning to bring this with me onto the plane on my next trip to Vietnam. Can't wait!!!

P/s: Can you believe this bag can fit a 13" laptop ? I didn't!

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Tuesday 11 June 2013


Phew! One uni exam down. One more to go! Uni has been bringing me down lately for some reasons. It's probably all the long hours of study and assignments and everything. I can't wait to finish it!!!!

Anywho yesterday I came across these amazing editorials from a magazine that I own for quite a while now. Plus the theme of the Met Gala this year was punk (I know it was like a month ago). So I thought it's appropriate to share these on my blog.


(Source: BLACK magazine)

There is something really powerful and mysterious, yet mesmerizing about these editorials that I love. And the clothes ugh UH-MA-ZING, I love how the hard element of leather and the soft element of fur are used together to create this perfect combination that is both striking and feminine at the same time. Is there any piece that I crave ? HELL YES!! I WANT THEM ALL!!

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Sunday 9 June 2013

My very first blog post... on blogger

Oh how I missed writing on a blog. I have been crazily busy with uni and life lately so haven't had a chance to properly keep up with my old blog on Tumblr, which is kinda disappointing for me. :( Then it just occurred to me the other day that I should really start doing something about it, so here I am, with my absolutely new blog on blogger. So excited!!!
Anyway here's my outfit for today:

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