Friday 19 July 2013

Who wouldn't want new clothes ?!?! (Part 1)

I thought I could manage to put all the stuff that I have bought for the last couple of weeks in one post, but it turned out I bought so many that I think I should do two posts. :P

So today's post is about some fashion items that I bought when I was in Vietnam. I just got back to Australia by the way. The weather is still pretty shitty here, hot in the morning then cold in the evening, plus the rain. Rain is the worst because it makes it even colder in winter, and it's yucky! 

Anyway the other day at the airport, my luggage was somehow picked for security search (sucks to be me! yea i know!). However when the woman was looking through my suitcase and saw a few pair of shoes that I managed to jam into, she was like:"You're a shoes person!" and I, proudly replied to her:" Yep! And bag as well!". I just love when people realise it and tell me that I'm a shoes / bag person. I always take it as a compliment. So it turned out the search was not too bad after all. :P

Ok, enough with the rambling, here are some items that I got: 

I'm usually not a big fan of camo print but when I saw this jacket, I knew I had to get it. Part of it was because it had spikes on it, which I love and so I was like why not try camo print since I've never worn it before. I don't think I would have got it if it didn't have spikes though.
The socks and black skinny jeans are not for me. I bought them for a present. However, I really love the socks. So fun and cute! I think next time I should buy myself a set too!
All three of them I bought from Topman/Topshop. (Yep we have Topman/Topshop in Vietnam but not at where I live - Brisbane. Boo Brisbane!!!).

Alright, animal print! I'm starting to get into animal print tees lately. Plus this one is oversize too! So I knew I must have this t-shirt in my wardrobe. And the black and white spike bracelet just naturally goes with the tee, so I thought I might as well got it to go with the outfit.
I got those two at a little boutique called Abracadabra.

I love love this bag! It is just a perfect size for me to put a laptop and books and my essentials when I go to uni. Even better, I got it nearly half price when it's on sale at Pedro, one of my favourite store for shoes and leather accessories.

And last but not least, my new print pants. I don't think I have ever worn print pants before in my life, so I'm pretty excited to have these two in my wardrobe now. I love love the striped ones since I've been wanting one for a long time but never seem to find one that suits me. So I'll definitely post photos of my outfit with the pants in the future.

As for the left one, its pretty funny because I thought it was houndstooth print at first. That's why I got them because I felt like I need something classic. Silly me for not looking at it carefully. :(  I only found out when I got home that it's not actually houndstooth, but just a square print. They do look similar though if you just had a glance at it. Oh well! 

The two pants are from a Vietnamese brand called Maschio.

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